Kintently helps you avoid burnout while keeping loved ones safe.

Kintently Helps you Navigate a Complex Landscape of Solutions and Choices

Find, save, and try advice from caregivers in similar situations

You can discover new ideas to tackle problems and ways to reduce your caregiving hours by finding services that can help while keeping your loved ones safe.

Know when you need to try a new way to avoid burnout or safety issues

The InPlace Score tracks how well your loved one is doing, an objective milestones for changes. You can share these changes with the family or physicians in a more concrete way than ever before.

Coaching on communicating with family and instant problem solving

Your personal assistant is always there to create lists, research Medicare or Social Security, write emails, and answer questions.

Kintently gives you tools to help your parents age in place

The Kintently community is taking control of the caregiving journey.

Track Progress and Burnout

Keep track of how much time you are saving, as well as any changes in your mom and dad’s health and well-being using the In Place Score, which is like a credit score for aging in place.

Find and Share Ways to Save Time

Discover new ideas, services, and products to make caregiving easier for you and your family, saving time and reducing your burnout without sacrificing care.

Save and Publish Advice

Once you find advice to try, you can save it for later. If you think of your own ideas you want to keep track of, add them to your list, too.

Get Answers Anytime

Chat with an assistant who can answer questions, create lists, and write emails for you.